1. The Quran’s Role as a Universal Scripture
The Quran presents itself as a guidance for all of humanity, not just for those who identify as Muslims. It emphasizes that its message is for all people, regardless of their background, ethnicity, or religious affiliation.
- Quran 14:52 – "This is a proclamation for the people, so that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is but One God, and that those of understanding may take heed."
- Quran 34:28 – "And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner, but most of the people do not know."
These verses highlight that the Quran is a message for all people, not just a particular group. It contains universal truths about God, morality, justice, and the afterlife that apply to everyone, making it a scripture meant for the entire human race.
2. The Function of Divine Guidance and Scripture
The Quran explains that divine scriptures serve a crucial role in guiding people toward righteousness, justice, and success in the Hereafter. The fundamental purpose of divine guidance is to help humans recognize their Creator and live according to His will.
- Quran 2:2 – "This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah."
- Quran 5:16 – "By it, Allah guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace and brings them out from darkness into the light, by His permission, and guides them to a straight path."
Scriptures from God act as manuals for human life, providing knowledge about how to live righteously, how to avoid evil, and how to attain eternal success in the Hereafter.
3. How Different Religious Scriptures Relate to One Another
The Quran acknowledges previous scriptures such as the Torah (Tawrah), Psalms (Zabur), and Gospel (Injeel) as divine revelations that were sent to previous nations. However, it also asserts that these scriptures have been altered over time, and thus the Quran was revealed as the final, preserved guidance.
- Quran 3:3-4 – "He has sent down upon you the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel before as guidance for the people, and He sent down the Criterion (Quran)."
- Quran 5:48 – "And We have revealed to you the Book in truth, confirming what preceded it of the Scripture and as a guardian over it."
The Quran clarifies that while previous scriptures contained guidance, they were subject to human alteration, and the Quran serves as the final, uncorrupted revelation that confirms and corrects previous messages.
4. The Importance of Monotheism in All Divine Revelations
The core teaching of all divine revelations has always been monotheism—the belief in the One True God. This concept is the foundation of the Quran and is also found in the scriptures given to previous prophets.
- Quran 112:1-4 – "Say, He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent."
- Quran 21:25 – "And We did not send any messenger before you except that We revealed to him that there is no deity except Me, so worship Me."
- Quran 16:36 – "And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], ‘Worship Allah and avoid false gods.’"
Monotheism (Tawheed) is the central message that connects all of God's revelations. From Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all), every prophet preached the same essential message: worship God alone without associating partners with Him.
- The Quran is a universal scripture meant for all of humanity.
- Divine scriptures serve as guidance for life and the Hereafter.
- Previous scriptures were also from God, but the Quran is the final and preserved revelation.
- Monotheism is the foundation of all divine messages, emphasizing worshiping God alone.
Let's explore these topics in detail:
1. The Quran as a Universal Guidance
How does the Quran address people of different backgrounds?
The Quran consistently emphasizes that its message is not restricted to a particular nation, race, or group of people. It speaks directly to all of humanity as a universal message:
- Quran 14:52 – "This is a message for all people so that they may be warned by it, and so they may know that He is but One God, and so that people of understanding may take heed."
- Quran 21:107 – "And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a mercy to the worlds."
- Quran 34:28 – "And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner, but most of the people do not know."
These verses confirm that the Quran’s guidance applies to all people, regardless of religion, nationality, or era.
What makes the Quran’s message timeless?
The Quran remains relevant across different eras because:
- It is based on universal values – justice, mercy, honesty, patience, and righteousness, which are needed in every society.
- It addresses human nature (fitrah) – The Quran speaks to the fundamental aspects of human existence, emotions, desires, struggles, and morality.
- It is a living book – Unlike previous scriptures, the Quran has been preserved in its original language, ensuring that its message remains unaltered.
2. The Role of Divine Guidance
What are the key principles of divine guidance?
The Quran outlines several fundamental principles of divine guidance:
Monotheism (Tawheed) – Worshiping God alone without partners.
- Quran 16:36 – "And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], ‘Worship Allah and avoid false gods.’"
Following God's commandments – God's laws guide people toward justice and righteousness.
- Quran 5:16 – "By it, Allah guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace and brings them out from darkness into the light, by His permission, and guides them to a straight path."
Moral excellence – Guidance is not just about rituals but also about building character.
- Quran 2:177 – "Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets, and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy..."
Accountability in the Hereafter – The Quran stresses that life is a test, and our actions will determine our fate.
- Quran 99:7-8 – "So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it."
How does divine guidance shape human life?
- It gives purpose to life by explaining why we were created.
- It provides a moral framework for justice, honesty, and ethics.
- It offers solutions to social and personal issues like injustice, greed, and corruption.
- It gives inner peace and confidence by aligning life with divine wisdom.
3. Comparison of Religious Scriptures
What does the Quran say about previous scriptures?
The Quran acknowledges the divine origins of the Torah (Tawrah), Psalms (Zabur), and Gospel (Injeel), but it also warns that they have been altered over time.
- Quran 3:3-4 – "He has sent down upon you the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel before as guidance for the people, and He sent down the Criterion (Quran)."
- Quran 5:48 – "And We have revealed to you the Book in truth, confirming what preceded it of the Scripture and as a guardian over it."
This means the Quran confirms the original truth found in previous scriptures while correcting distortions that were introduced by people.
How should we understand their role today?
Since the Quran is the final revelation, it is the ultimate reference for divine guidance. While previous scriptures contained divine guidance, they are not preserved in their original form. Thus, the Quran serves as:
- A confirmation of the truths found in earlier scriptures.
- A correction of the distortions that crept in over time.
- A completion of God's message to humanity.
4. Monotheism in Depth
What are the different aspects of monotheism (Tawheed)?
Monotheism (Tawheed) is the foundation of Islam, and it has three main aspects:
Tawheed al-Rububiyyah (Oneness of Lordship)
- Belief that God alone is the Creator, Sustainer, and Controller of everything.
- Quran 7:54 – "Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne..."
Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah (Oneness of Worship)
- Worship should be directed to God alone, without any partners.
- Quran 39:3 – "Unquestionably, for Allah is the pure religion. And those who take protectors besides Him [say], 'We only worship them that they may bring us nearer to Allah in position.'"
Tawheed al-Asma wa-Sifat (Oneness of God's Names and Attributes)
- Belief that God’s names and attributes are unique and cannot be compared to His creation.
- Quran 42:11 – "There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing."
Why is monotheism the most emphasized concept in the Quran?
Monotheism is the foundation of faith because:
- It defines the purpose of life – We were created to worship and serve God alone.
- Quran 51:56 – "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."
- It is the key to salvation – True success in the Hereafter depends on pure monotheism.
- Quran 4:48 – "Indeed, Allah does not forgive associating others with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills."
- It frees people from falsehood – Believing in one God liberates the soul from idol worship, superstition, and human-made beliefs.
- The Quran is a universal message meant for all people, guiding them to success in both worlds.
- Divine guidance helps shape life by providing moral values, purpose, and accountability.
- The Quran confirms, corrects, and completes previous scriptures, serving as the final revelation.
- Monotheism is the foundation of faith, and it defines the relationship between humans and their Creator.
Divine Guidance in Shaping Life
The Quran provides divine guidance that shapes life by giving moral values, purpose, and accountability. Without divine guidance, people are left to follow their own desires, cultural influences, or social trends, which often lead to corruption and injustice.
1. Moral Values: A Code for Righteous Living
The Quran lays down clear principles of morality that apply to personal, social, and economic life.
Justice and Fairness
- Quran 4:135 – "O you who believe! Stand firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin…"
- This verse emphasizes that truth and justice should be upheld, even if it goes against personal interests.
Honesty and Integrity
- Quran 2:42 – "And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]."
- Islam commands absolute honesty in trade, speech, and dealings.
Kindness and Compassion
- Quran 90:12-16 – "And what can make you know what is [breaking] the difficult pass? It is the freeing of a slave, or feeding in a day of hunger an orphan of near relationship, or a needy person in misery."
- True piety is measured by acts of kindness, helping the poor, and treating people with dignity.
Modesty and Humility
- Quran 31:18-19 – "And do not turn your cheek [in contempt] toward people and do not walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful."
- The Quran discourages arrogance and calls for humility in interactions.
These moral values create a society where justice, respect, and righteousness prevail.
2. Purpose of Life: Worship and Growth
The Quran answers a fundamental question: Why are we here?
Quran 51:56 – "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."
- This worship is not just ritualistic but includes living a life that pleases God—being honest, kind, and just.
Quran 67:2 – "He who created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed."
- Life is a test, and the purpose is to grow spiritually and morally.
Quran 2:286 – "Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear."
- The Quran reassures that life’s difficulties are tests and that God provides the strength to overcome them.
Understanding life’s purpose leads to inner peace and resilience in the face of trials.
3. Accountability: Preparing for the Hereafter
The Quran makes it clear that every person is accountable for their actions.
Quran 99:7-8 – "So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it."
- Every action has consequences, whether good or bad.
Quran 18:30 – "Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds."
- God guarantees that good deeds will never go unrewarded.
Quran 17:13-14 – "And every human being’s deeds We have fastened to their neck, and on the Day of Resurrection, We will bring forth a record which they will find wide open. [It will be said], 'Read your record. Sufficient is yourself against you this Day as an accountant.'"
- The Quran teaches that every person will be held responsible for their own choices.
This sense of accountability encourages self-discipline, ethical behavior, and a commitment to truth.
The Quran as the Final Revelation: Confirmation, Correction, and Completion
The Quran presents itself as the final divine revelation, fulfilling the role of confirming, correcting, and completing the messages of previous scriptures.
1. Confirmation of Previous Scriptures
The Quran acknowledges that God revealed the Torah (Tawrah) to Moses, the Psalms (Zabur) to David, and the Gospel (Injeel) to Jesus.
- Quran 3:3-4 – "He has sent down upon you the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel before, as guidance for the people."
- Quran 5:46 – "And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah. And We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light."
This means that Islam does not reject previous revelations; rather, it confirms their original teachings.
2. Correction of Alterations
Over time, earlier scriptures were altered through human intervention, whether by additions, deletions, or misinterpretations.
- Quran 2:79 – "So woe to those who write the 'scripture' with their own hands, then say, 'This is from Allah,' to exchange it for a small price."
- Quran 5:13-14 – "But because of their breaking of their covenant, We cursed them and made their hearts hard. They distort words from their [proper] usages and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded."
This suggests that while the original messages of earlier scriptures were divine, they were later changed. The Quran corrects these distortions by restoring the true teachings of God.
3. Completion of Divine Revelation
The Quran is the final, complete, and preserved guidance from God.
- Quran 5:3 – "This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as your religion."
- Quran 15:9 – "Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran, and indeed, We will be its guardian."
- Unlike previous scriptures, God promises to protect the Quran from distortion.
The Quran brings the final, unchanging guidance meant for all humanity until the Day of Judgment.
- Divine guidance provides moral values, purpose, and accountability – shaping personal and societal life.
- The Quran confirms previous scriptures – recognizing the Torah, Psalms, and Gospel as part of God's revelations.
- It corrects human distortions – ensuring that God's true message remains unaltered.
- It completes divine guidance – serving as the final and preserved revelation for all people.
1. Divine Guidance Provides Moral Values, Purpose, and Accountability – Shaping Personal and Societal Life
The Quran serves as a comprehensive guide to life, shaping both individuals and societies. It provides a moral foundation, a clear purpose for existence, and a strong sense of accountability, ensuring that people act responsibly and justly.
Moral Values: A Foundation for Righteous Living
The Quran lays down clear ethical guidelines that promote justice, kindness, and personal integrity.
Justice and Fairness
- Quran 4:58 – "Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice."
- Justice is an essential principle in the Quran, ensuring fairness in all aspects of life.
Honesty and Truthfulness
- Quran 33:70 – "O you who believe! Fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice."
- The Quran condemns falsehood and encourages truthfulness in speech and actions.
Compassion and Charity
- Quran 2:267 – "O you who have believed, spend from the good things which you have earned and from that which We have produced for you from the earth."
- Charity and generosity are core aspects of a moral society, ensuring care for the poor and needy.
Forgiveness and Patience
- Quran 42:40 – "And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but if someone pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward is with Allah."
- Forgiveness and patience are emphasized as ways to maintain peace in society.
By following these moral values, both individuals and societies can achieve peace, fairness, and stability.
Purpose: Understanding Why We Exist
The Quran provides a clear answer to the question: Why are we here?
Quran 51:56 – "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."
- Worship in Islam is not just prayer; it includes living righteously, being just, and fulfilling responsibilities.
Quran 67:2 – "He who created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed."
- Life is a test, and every action has consequences in the Hereafter.
Quran 2:286 – "Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear."
- Each person is given challenges according to their abilities, ensuring a fair test in life.
Having a purpose gives people motivation, direction, and spiritual fulfillment.
Accountability: The Consequences of Actions
The Quran teaches that every action—good or bad—has consequences in this life and the Hereafter.
Quran 99:7-8 – "So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it."
- Even the smallest deeds are recorded and will be accounted for.
Quran 18:30 – "Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds."
- God promises that good deeds will never go unrewarded.
Quran 17:13-14 – "And every human being’s deeds We have fastened to their neck, and on the Day of Resurrection, We will bring forth a record which they will find wide open. [It will be said], 'Read your record. Sufficient is yourself against you this Day as an accountant.'"
- Every person will be judged based on their actions.
This accountability encourages self-discipline, ethical behavior, and personal responsibility.
2. The Quran Corrects Human Distortions – Ensuring That God's True Message Remains Unaltered
The Quran acknowledges that previous scriptures were originally divine but were later altered by human hands. It was sent to correct these distortions and restore pure monotheism.
Evidence of Alteration in Previous Scriptures
Quran 2:79 – "So woe to those who write the 'scripture' with their own hands, then say, 'This is from Allah,' to exchange it for a small price."
- This verse indicates that human changes were made to previous scriptures.
Quran 5:13-14 – "But because of their breaking of their covenant, We cursed them and made their hearts hard. They distort words from their [proper] usages and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded."
- Over time, some of God's original message was lost or changed.
Because of these distortions, the Quran was sent as a corrective revelation, reaffirming the original teachings of monotheism and righteousness.
How Does the Quran Restore the Truth?
Restoring Pure Monotheism
- Quran 112:1-4 – "Say, He is Allah, [who is] One. Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent."
- The Quran rejects any concept of God having partners, sons, or intermediaries.
Correcting Religious Practices
- Quran 3:79 – "It is not for a human (prophet) that Allah should give him the Scripture and authority and prophethood and then he would say to the people: 'Be worshippers of me rather than Allah.'"
- The Quran corrects the misconception of worshiping prophets or saints instead of God.
Restating the True Message of Jesus and Other Prophets
- Quran 5:75 – "The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food."
- This verse corrects the belief that Jesus was divine, reaffirming that he was a human prophet.
Through these corrections, the Quran preserves and restores the original divine message.
3. The Quran Completes Divine Guidance – Serving as the Final and Preserved Revelation
Unlike previous scriptures, the Quran is protected from alteration and serves as the final and complete revelation for all humanity.
Final Revelation
Quran 5:3 – "This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as your religion."
- Islam is the final stage of God's guidance, containing everything needed for salvation.
Quran 6:115 – "And the word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and justice. None can alter His words, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing."
- The Quran is unaltered and complete, unlike previous scriptures that suffered modifications.
Preservation of the Quran
Quran 15:9 – "Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran, and indeed, We will be its guardian."
- This verse guarantees that the Quran will never be corrupted or changed.
The Quran has remained unchanged for over 1,400 years, with millions memorizing it word for word.
Its original Arabic text is preserved, preventing mistranslations from altering its meaning.
The Quran as Universal Guidance
Since the Quran is the final revelation, it is meant for all people, for all times.
- Quran 34:28 – "And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner."
- Quran 14:52 – "This is a message for all people so that they may be warned by it, and so they may know that He is but One God, and so that people of understanding may take heed."
Unlike previous scriptures that were sent to specific nations, the Quran is for all of humanity, making it the ultimate and final divine guidance.
mm bbDivine Guidance Provides Moral Values, Purpose, and Accountability – Shaping Both Personal and Societal Life
The Quran provides a comprehensive framework for human life, ensuring that individuals and societies function with justice, righteousness, and responsibility. This divine guidance shapes life in three fundamental ways:
- Moral Values – A foundation for ethical behavior.
- Purpose of Life – Understanding why we exist.
- Accountability – Ensuring responsibility for actions.
1. Moral Values: The Foundation of Ethical Behavior
Moral values in the Quran are universal and timeless. They guide individuals in their personal behavior, their interactions with others, and how societies should be structured.
A. Justice and Fairness
Justice is a core principle in Islam, ensuring fairness in personal, social, and legal matters.
Quran 4:135 –
"O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives..."
→ This verse teaches that justice must be upheld even when it is difficult or against personal interests. -
Quran 5:8 –
"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah as bearers of witness with justice, and let not hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just: that is nearer to righteousness."
→ Justice is not based on emotions or biases; even towards enemies, justice must be upheld.
B. Honesty and Truthfulness
Honesty is essential for personal integrity and societal trust.
Quran 33:70 –
"O you who believe! Fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice."
→ Speaking the truth prevents corruption and deception in society. -
Quran 2:42 –
"And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]."
→ Lies, deception, and misleading others are condemned in the Quran.
C. Kindness and Compassion
The Quran teaches kindness, not just towards family and friends, but to all of creation.
Quran 90:12-16 –
"And what will make you understand what the difficult path is? It is the freeing of a slave, or feeding on a day of hunger an orphan near of kin, or a poor person in misery."
→ A righteous society is one that cares for the weak, the poor, and the oppressed. -
Quran 16:90 –
"Indeed, Allah commands justice, good conduct, and giving to relatives, and forbids immorality, bad conduct, and oppression."
→ A just and moral society must balance justice, kindness, and generosity.
D. Modesty and Humility
The Quran encourages modesty and humility in speech, behavior, and character.
- Quran 31:18-19 –
"And do not turn your cheek [in arrogance] away from people and do not walk in pride through the earth. Indeed, Allah does not like the arrogant and boastful. Be moderate in your pace and lower your voice..."
→ Arrogance leads to division and oppression, while humility creates harmony.
E. Responsibility and Hard Work
- Quran 53:39 –
"And that there is not for man except that [good] for which he strives."
→ Hard work and effort are essential for success in both this life and the Hereafter.
2. Purpose of Life: Why Are We Here?
The Quran answers the fundamental question: What is the purpose of human existence?
A. Worshiping God and Living a Righteous Life
Quran 51:56 –
"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."
→ Worship in Islam is not just prayer but includes righteous living, justice, kindness, and obedience to God. -
Quran 2:2 –
"This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah."
→ The Quran is a manual for life, teaching people how to live meaningfully.
B. Life as a Test
The Quran teaches that life is a test to determine who will do good and who will turn away from the truth.
Quran 67:2 –
"He who created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed."
→ Our choices determine our fate in the Hereafter. -
Quran 3:185 –
"Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection."
→ This life is temporary, and our real success is in the Hereafter.
C. Finding Inner Peace through Submission to God
- Quran 13:28 –
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest."
→ True peace comes from aligning one's life with God's guidance.
3. Accountability: The Consequences of Actions
The Quran teaches that every action—good or bad—has consequences in both this life and the Hereafter.
A. Individual Accountability
Every person is responsible for their own actions.
Quran 99:7-8 –
"So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it."
→ No action is too small; everything is recorded and judged. -
Quran 17:13-14 –
"And every human being’s deeds We have fastened to their neck, and on the Day of Resurrection, We will bring forth a record which they will find wide open. [It will be said], 'Read your record. Sufficient is yourself against you this Day as an accountant.'"
→ Every individual will be held responsible for their own deeds.
B. Societal Consequences
A society that follows God’s guidance will prosper, while one that turns away will face consequences.
Quran 16:97 –
"Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while being a believer – We will surely cause him to live a good life."
→ A just and moral society leads to happiness and peace. -
Quran 7:96 –
"And if the people of the cities had believed and feared Allah, We would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth..."
→ A corrupt society brings about its own destruction.
C. The Day of Judgment
The Quran constantly reminds that life does not end at death. There will be a Day of Judgment where everyone will be held accountable.
Quran 18:30 –
"Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds."
→ Every good deed will be rewarded. -
Quran 4:40 –
"Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom’s weight; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward."
→ God is just, and no good deed will go unnoticed.
- Moral Values: The Quran provides a comprehensive ethical framework that promotes justice, honesty, kindness, and responsibility.
- Purpose of Life: Life is a test, and true success lies in worshiping God and living righteously.
- Accountability: Every action has consequences, both in this world and in the Hereafter.
Through divine guidance, both individuals and societies can achieve peace, prosperity, and righteousness. The Quran shapes life by ensuring that people live with purpose, treat others fairly, and remain accountable for their actions.
This passage presents a perspective on the Quran as the final and preserved revelation, emphasizing its role as a universal guide for all of humanity. Here are the key points highlighted in the text:
1. The Quran as God’s Final and Preserved Revelation
- The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad over 23 years (610 AD – 632 AD) in Mecca and Medina.
- It is the last divine scripture, unifying the messages of previous prophets into one complete and final guidance.
- Quran 33:40 – "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets."
- Quran 15:9 – "Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran, and indeed, We will be its guardian."
- This verse guarantees that the Quran will remain unaltered and protected by God.
Evidence of Preservation
- The Arabic text of the Quran remains unchanged since its revelation, and every copy worldwide is identical.
- Arabic, being a widely spoken living language, allows for easy verification of its message.
- The Quran contains a mathematical structure based on the number 19, serving as an encryption system that prevents alterations.
This ensures that God’s message remains pure and accessible for all people until the end of time.
2. The Quran is for All Humanity – Not Just Muslims
- The Quran was first revealed to the Gentiles (people who had not received scripture before), but its guidance is for everyone.
- Quran 14:52 – "This [Quran] is a message for all people so that they may be warned by it, and so they may know that He is but One God, and so that people of understanding may take heed."
- Quran 34:28 – "And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner."
This means that Islam is not about identity or labels (Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindu, etc.), but about submitting to God alone.
3. Corruption in Religion: Why Other Scriptures Are No Longer Intact
The Quran acknowledges that previous scriptures (Torah, Psalms, Gospel) were originally from God but have been altered over time.
- Quran 2:79 – "So woe to those who write the 'scripture' with their own hands, then say, 'This is from Allah,' to exchange it for a small price."
- Quran 5:13-14 – "They distort words from their [proper] usages and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded."
Corruption in Practice vs. Corruption in Text
- The Quran is intact, but other scriptures were altered by human influence.
- However, even within Islam, people have corrupted the practice of faith by following man-made traditions instead of relying solely on the Quran.
4. The Corruption of Islamic Practice
The Quran warns against following any religious source other than itself.
- Quran 6:114 – "Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?"
- Quran 45:6 – "These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement after Allah and His verses will they believe?"
The Role of Hadith and Sunnah
- The text argues that the Hadith and Sunnah (collections of sayings and actions attributed to Prophet Muhammad) are not divinely decreed.
- These books were written 200 years after Muhammad’s death and contain contradictions, which is why they cannot be considered divine guidance.
How People Are Misled
- Many blindly follow traditions, religious leaders, and sectarian beliefs, instead of relying on God’s words alone.
- Satan’s tactics include making religion seem difficult and burdensome, whereas God intended religion to be easy and natural.
5. Islam is Meant to Be Easy and Practical
God designed religion to be a source of happiness, not hardship.
- Quran 2:185 – "Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship."
- Quran 22:78 – "He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty."
A Balanced Life Under God’s Guidance
- People can enjoy life’s pleasures (family, career, travel, sports, entertainment) as long as they stay within God’s laws.
- The goal is to lead a righteous, fulfilling life while preparing for eternal success in the Hereafter.
6. The Future of Religion: Submission to God Alone
The text suggests that all religions (Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam as practiced today) will eventually fade as people return to pure submission to God.
Religious labels will become irrelevant, and the only distinction will be between those who submit to God alone and those who do not.
Quran 3:19 – "Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam (Submission to God alone)."
Final Judgment
- On the Day of Judgment, people will be accountable for whether they followed God’s guidance or followed man-made traditions.
- Quran 17:36 – "And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight, and the heart—about all those [one] will be questioned."
Only those who sincerely seek the truth without ego or blind following will be successful.
Conclusion: The Quran’s Message for Humanity
- The Quran is the final and preserved revelation, protected by God from any alterations.
- It is meant for all people, not just Muslims, and is the ultimate source of divine guidance.
- Previous scriptures were altered, and their original messages are restored through the Quran.
- Religious corruption exists, even among Muslims, due to following traditions instead of God’s direct words.
- True Islam is easy and practical, offering happiness and balance in life.
- The future is about submission to God alone, not religious labels.
The Quran is not a Muslim Book, But all of Humanity
The Quran, as you’ve eloquently described, is not exclusive to Muslims but is a universal guide for all humanity. It is a culmination of divine messages sent to various communities throughout history, emphasizing the core principle of **submission to God alone**. This submission, or *Islam* in Arabic, is not a new concept but a timeless truth found in all divine scriptures. The Quran serves as a unifying text, consolidating these messages into one comprehensive and preserved scripture for all people, regardless of their cultural, religious, or linguistic background.
Here are the key points from your explanation, expanded and clarified for a broader audience:
### **1. The Quran is a Universal Guide for All People**
- The Quran is not limited to Muslims; it is a book of guidance for all humanity. It reiterates and confirms the messages of previous scriptures, such as the Torah, Psalms, and Gospel, while providing a complete and unified system of submission to God.
- It emphasizes that **monotheism (worship of God alone)** is the foundation of all true faiths. This principle is universal and transcends religious labels.
### **2. Submission to God Does Not Require Changing Your Identity**
- Following the Quran does not necessitate changing your name, cultural practices, or religious identity. Submission to God is a personal and spiritual commitment that can be practiced within any cultural or religious framework.
- The terms *Muslim* (submitter) and *Islam* (submission) are descriptive, not exclusive. They refer to anyone who submits to God alone, regardless of their background.
### **3. The Most Important Criterion for Success: Worshiping God Alone**
- The Quran repeatedly emphasizes that the primary criterion for success in this life and the hereafter is **worshiping God alone without associating partners with Him**. This is the essence of monotheism and the core message of all divine scriptures.
- Idolatry (*shirk*), in any form, is the gravest sin and nullifies all good deeds. Idolatry includes:
- Worshiping saints, prophets, or religious leaders.
- Relying on intermediaries for salvation or intercession.
- Attributing divine qualities to created beings or objects.
- The Quran warns that those who die in a state of idolatry will not enter heaven, regardless of their other good deeds.
### **4. The Quran Respects All Previous Scriptures and Messengers**
- The Quran acknowledges the truth in all previous scriptures and the role of all messengers, from Abraham to Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. It commands believers to **make no distinction between God’s messengers** (Quran 2:136).
- Jews and Christians, referred to as *People of the Scripture*, are recognized for their faith and rewarded for believing in the Quran as a continuation of their own scriptures (Quran 28:52-54).
### **5. Practical Steps to Follow the Quran Without Abandoning Your Heritage**
- You can retain your religious and cultural identity while following the Quran’s guidance. For example:
- A Jewish person can be a *Jewish submitter*.
- A Christian can be a *Christian submitter*.
- A Hindu or Buddhist can follow the Quran’s principles while maintaining their cultural practices, as long as they worship God alone.
- The Quran is available in translations, so you do not need to learn Arabic to understand its message.
### **6. The Quran’s Comprehensive System for Spiritual Growth**
- The Quran provides a complete system for achieving happiness in this life and success in the hereafter. It addresses all aspects of life, including:
- Worship and devotion to God.
- Moral and ethical conduct.
- Social justice and community welfare.
- Unlike previous scriptures, which may have been altered or lost over time, the Quran remains intact and unaltered, making it a reliable source of divine guidance.
### **7. The Danger of Idolatry and the Importance of Monotheism**
- Idolatry is not limited to worshiping statues or icons. It includes:
- Relying on saints, prophets, or religious leaders for intercession.
- Attributing divine powers to created beings or objects.
- Innovating religious practices not decreed by God.
- The Quran warns that idolatry nullifies all good deeds and leads to eternal loss in the hereafter.
### **8. Additional Criteria for Success**
- In addition to worshiping God alone, the Quran emphasizes:
- **Belief in the hereafter**: Accountability to God after death is a fundamental belief.
- **Leading a righteous life**: Following God’s guidance ensures moral and ethical conduct.
### **9. The Quran’s Role in Uniting Humanity**
- The Quran envisions a world where all people submit to God alone, transcending divisions of race, religion, and culture. It calls for unity and peace through adherence to divine guidance.
- The Quran’s message is timeless and universal, offering solutions to the challenges faced by humanity today.
### **10. How to Begin Your Journey with the Quran**
- Start by reading the Quran in a language you understand. Reflect on its teachings and apply them to your life.
- Focus on the core message of worshiping God alone and avoiding idolatry.
- Remember that submission to God is a personal journey that does not require abandoning your cultural or religious heritage.
### **Conclusion**
The Quran is a book of guidance for all people, offering a path to happiness in this life and success in the hereafter. Its core message—worshiping God alone—is universal and applicable to everyone, regardless of their background. By following the Quran’s guidance, you can strengthen your relationship with God, achieve spiritual growth, and fulfill the purpose of your creation.
As the Quran states in **Surah Al-Baqarah (2:62)**:
> *"Indeed, those who believe and those who are Jews, Christians, or Sabians—whoever truly believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve."*
This verse underscores the universality of divine guidance and the inclusivity of the Quran’s message. It is a reminder that salvation is attainable for all who worship God alone and lead righteous lives, regardless of their religious or cultural identity.
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