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Final Book Edited Version 21-40

21– Abraham's Faith in One God

Quran 6:79 Abraham says:

Indeed, I have turned my face toward He who created the heavens and the earth, inclining toward truth, and I am not of those who associate others with Allah."

This verse is a statement from Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim), in which he expresses his complete submission to the one true God, Allah. 

Here's a breakdown of its meaning:

  1. "I have turned my face toward He who created the heavens and the earth."

This is a metaphorical expression indicating total devotion and exclusive worship of God. By turning his face towards Allah, Abraham commits himself entirely to God, recognizing Him as the Creator of all things. The reference to "the heavens and the earth" emphasizes God's supreme power and sovereignty as the Creator of the universe, which reinforces why only He is worthy of worship.

  1. "Inclining toward truth"

This phrase describes Abraham's search for the truth and his natural inclination ( i.e., God gave knowledge of His existence ), the belief in one God. He rejected his people's idolatry and polytheism and chose the path of pure faith in the Creator. The word "truth" here refers to the oneness of God and the righteousness of worshiping only Him without associating any partners.

  1. "I am not of those who associate others with Allah"

This is Abraham's firm declaration of Tawhid, the oneness of God, and his rejection of shirk (associating partners with Allah). Abraham distances himself from his people, who worship idols and multiple deities. This reflects his strong stance against any form of polytheism, idol worship, or assigning equals to Allah.

Context and Lessons:

Abraham’s Journey to Monotheism: Abraham was born into a society that practiced idol worship, but he embarked on a spiritual journey to find the truth about God. Through contemplation and reflection on the world around him, he recognized that the idols his people worshiped were powerless and that only the universe's Creator deserved worship.

Monotheism and Fitrah (Natural Disposition): This verse aligns with the concept of fitrah (the natural human inclination toward the oneness of God). Abraham’s rejection of idol worship reflects that human beings, guided by their natural disposition and reason, will turn toward the worship of the one true God.

Role Model for Believers

Abraham’s example serves as a model for all believers. Muslims are encouraged to emulate his unwavering faith despite opposition from his people and his willingness to stand firm in worshiping one God.

Key Takeaway:

This verse encapsulates Abraham’s total submission to God, his rejection of polytheism, and his commitment to following the path of truth. It highlights the importance of recognizing and worshiping God alone, without associating any partners, as the core message of Islam and monotheism.

Surah An-Nahl (16:120):

"Indeed, Abraham was a leader, devoutly obedient to Allah, inclining toward truth, and he was not of those who associate others with Go(Allah), ."

NEED Editing

22—The Prophet Muhammad (saw) Was a Hafiz ( Memorize the Quran 

How Did Jesus Receive the Injeel or Gospel? 

Islamic scholars assert that just as the Prophet Muhammad received the Quran through the angel Jibreel (Gabriel), Jesus also received the Injeel directly from Allah, However, the Quran does not detail the exact process by which the Injeel was revealed, leaving the specifics open to interpretation.

19:29 So she pointed to Jesus They said, "How can we speak to one who is in the cradle a child?" ( God  taught baby Jesus the language to defend his mother )

Remember: In this verse, Jesus spoke as an infant 

Surah Al-A'raf (7:172):

And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam—from their offspring —their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], 'Am I not your Lord?' They said, 'Yes,( we acknowledge your existence ) have testified.' Lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection, 'Indeed, we were unaware this

This verse refers to an event known as the " Acknowledgement of God's existence that all numan poses within themself. 

God took testimony from babies about his existence

The verse describes how every human knows God as their Creator and Sustainer. The essence of the verse is that humanity was made aware of God's existence ( Knowledge in the human mind ).

On the day of judgment, you have no excuse to say to God  I was unaware of your existence 

In essence, God can give us innate knowledge  or guidance, even to babies 

Innate knowledge 

The concepts of innate knowledge are present in the mind at birth and are not acquired through experience or sensory perception. It's the idea that some knowledge is part of our nature and that we are born with it


This event symbolizes the innate nature between God and all humans. Each human knows that God is their Lord, affirming a deep, intrinsic awareness of God's presence.

Responsibility of Awareness: 

This verse reminds humans that they have an innate knowledge of God, making them accountable for recognizing and worshipping Him during their earthly lives. It counters any claims on the Day of Judgment that people were unaware of their responsibility to follow God.

7:172 says from the children of Adam—from their loins—their descendants and made them testify of themselves......... “‘ 

Fitrah (Natural Disposition): This verse ties into the Islamic concept of fitrah, which is the natural disposition of every human being towards believing in one God. It means that everyone is inclined to recognize God's existence, even if it's forgotten or covered by societal influences over time.

In summary, 7:172 teaches that humans are born with an inherent awareness of God, which is the foundation of their responsibility to seek, recognize, and worship (Obey) Him.

Traditional Interpretation of Verse 7:172

Primordial Event: While the verse doesn't directly use the term "pre-earthly" or explain when this event took place, classical Islamic scholars have interpreted it as a moment that occurred before human beings came into physical existence on Earth. The phrase "from their loins" has been understood to indicate that this testimony was taken from the souls of all humans before they were born.

How could God gather all humans before they were born? Adam was the first human we are all his offspring; that is the wrong understanding of that verse

While the verse doesn't directly state "Pre-earthly," this understanding comes from traditional Hadith teaching

Accountability on the day of judgment: 

This testimony from Adam’s offspring ensures that humans cannot claim ignorance of God's existence and deeds of their actions toward Him on the Day of Judgment.

So, while the verse itself doesn't directly state "pre-earthly," this understanding comes from traditional exegesis, 

This concept ties into the broader Islamic view that humans have a natural inclination (fitrah) toward recognizing and worshiping God, and this verse is seen as evidence of that innate awareness.

Purpose of this verse 

The purpose of this verse is that humans cannot claim ignorance of God’s existence on the Day of Judgment. It establishes that humans have an innate recognition of God, even if they forget or deny it in this worldly life.

Similarity Between Adam And Jesus 

Quran 3:59 Indeed, Jesus's example to Allāh is like that of Adam. He created him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.

2:31 And He taught Adam the names - all of them. ( God taught Adam to learn the whole language to speak ) Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful."

2:33 He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed.

Question: Adam did not have parents who taught Adam the language to speak?


 3:48 And He (God) will teach him ( Jesus the language ) the Scripture and wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel, ( God’s memorized Jesus into his heart or mind the Torah and the Gospel )

Jesus was born with memorization of the Torah and the Gospel. 

Jesus was Hafiz's of Bible by birth 

19:29 So she pointed to Jesus They said, "How can we speak to one who is in the cradle a child?" ( God  taught baby Jesus the language to defend his mother )

19:30 Jesus said, Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet.

Question: who taught Jesus the language to speak as an infant?


The verse where Jesus, as an infant, speaks in defense of his mother, Mary, is found in Surah Maryam 19:29-30. This passage describes how Mary was accused by her people of immorality after giving birth to Jesus, and Jesus spoke from the cradle to defend her and proclaim his role as a Prophet. This act protected Mary from her people's accusations.

How Did Jesus receive the Gospel or Injeel? 

When we say that Jesus received divine inspiration, it means that the revelation from God was directly communicated to his mind or heart without an intermediary like the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), who delivered the Quran to Prophet Muhammad. In the case of Jesus (Isa), divine inspiration implies that God conveyed His message directly to Jesus in a manner that enlightened his mind or heart with the guidance he was to preach.

This form of inspiration (in Arabic, wahy) is understood as a direct spiritual connection or divine infusion of knowledge, where God imparts His words or teachings into the consciousness of the Prophet. It's similar to how other Prophets, like Moses (in the case of the Torah), received divine messages, although Moses also had a unique encounter with God on Mount Sinai.

In the case of Jesus, the Quran does not detail the exact process of this inspiration but confirms that Jesus received the Injeel (Gospel) directly from God as divine revelation.

So, to summarize: 

Divine inspiration refers to God implanting His message directly into the Prophet's Jesus mind or heart, allowing the prophet to understand and preach God's words without any physical intermediary.

Jesus Received Injeel's Direct From God

While Moses is said to have spoken directly with God, Prophet Muhammad received the Quran through Angel Jibreel. Jesus, on the other hand, received divine inspiration, but Islamic sources do not emphasize the intermediary role of an angel in the same way they do for Muhammad.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) was Hafiz's of the Quran

What is the meaning of Hafiz

There are individuals known as Hafiz who memorize the entire Quran. This achievement is usually the result of consistent practice, repetition repeatedly, and reinforcement over time, not merely hearing the text once. Therefore, it is highly improbable for an average person to memorize the whole Quran after hearing it just once.

In many Islamic cultures, memorization (known as Hifz) is often done through a structured approach over an extended period. Students usually memorize small portions and recite them repeatedly until they can recall them accurately. This process takes years of dedicated practice.

How did an unlettered person memorize the whole Quran?

Quran 62:2 says: It is He who has sent among the unlettered a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom - although they were before in clear error."

Dictionary word recite verb

Repeat aloud or declaim (a poem or passage) from memory before an audience: 

Since the Prophet could not read or write, how did he recite verses from the Quran? Could that mean he memorized the Quran without reading it?

The fact that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recited the verses of the Quran suggests that he memorized it. 

The Prophet Muhammad not only recited but also memorized the Quran. His memorization was integral to preserving and transmitting the Quranic message to his followers.

The Prophet memorizes the whole Quran not by repeatedly reading the Quran but by Quran directly revealed into the Prophet's heart or mind by Angel Jibreel (as)

Divine Assistance and Promise

The Quran repeatedly assures that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would not forget the revelations given to him. For example:

Surah Al-A'la (87:6): "We will make you recite, and you will not forget." This indicates that Allah provided supernatural support to ensure the Prophet accurately recalls the revelations, even the longer and more detailed ones like Surah Al-Baqarah 2:282.

The Role of Recitation:

Here are a few points that support the idea that the Prophet memorized the Quran:

The word "Quran" itself means "recitation." The Prophet’s primary method of conveying the Quran was through recitation, and he frequently led the prayers where the Quran was recited. His memorization allowed him to recite it accurately at all times.

The Prophet's first encounter with Angel Jibreel 

The Prophet was deeply shaken during his first encounter with Angel Jibreel because Jibreel communicated directly to the Prophet’s heart and mind without speaking aloud or moving his lips. This unique form of divine communication allowed the Prophet to memorize the entire Quran without needing to read or review it repeatedly.

(Surah Al-A'la, 87:6)
"We will make you recite, and you will not forget."

This verse reassures the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that Allah will guarantee his perfect retention of the revelations. It highlights that divine assistance will enable the Prophet to recite and remember the Quran flawlessly, without any fear of forgetting. This promise emphasizes the miraculous preservation of the Quran, as it was entrusted to the Prophet's memory, with God's assurance that not a single word would be lost or forgotten. By the Prophet

Quran  20:114

"Do not hasten with [recitation of] the Qur'an before its revelation is completed to you"

This is directed at the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), advising him not to rush in repeating or understanding the verses of the Qur'an before Angel Jibreel delivers the entire revelation to him. It indicates that the Prophet was eager to retain the verses and ensure their correct transmission but is reminded to be patient and wait 

What Is The Meaning Of God And Satan Winsper In The Heart Of Man?

Note: God = Allah appoints two Angels to every human to protect and guide those who ask for guidance from God = Allah and Satan  also misguide ( Gives suggestions in their brain to do bad deeds ) those who are weak in their faith in God 

I need Quran verses where Satan whispers human to do bad deeds

ChatGPT said:


Here are several Quranic verses that mention Satan whispering to humans and encouraging them to do bad deeds:

1. Surah An-Nas (114:4-5):

"From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws. Who whispers in the breasts of mankind."

  • This chapter speaks about Satan (often referred to as the "whisperer") who tries to lead humans astray through subtle suggestions and temptations.

2. Surah Al-A'raf (7:20):

"Then Satan whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, 'Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels or become of the immortal.'”

  • This verse describes Satan's whispering to Adam and Eve, leading them to eat from the forbidden tree.

3. Surah Ta-Ha (20:120):

"But Satan whispered to him. He said, 'O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate?'"

  • Again, this verse speaks of how Satan deceived Adam through whispers.

4. Surah Al-Baqarah (2:268):

"Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty."

  • Satan whispers to instill fear and encourages people to engage in immoral actions.

5. Surah Al-Isra (17:64):

"And incite [to senselessness] whoever you can among them with your voice and assault them with your cavalry and your infantry and become a partner in their wealth and their children and promise them. But Satan does not promise them except delusion."

  • This verse refers to Satan's attempts to mislead people, particularly through inciting them with false promises.

6. Surah Al-A'raf (7:16-17):

"Satan said: Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You]."

  • This passage illustrates Satan’s pledge to mislead humans from the right path by whispering evil suggestions.

These verses emphasize that Satan’s primary tactic is to whisper evil thoughts, temptations, and doubts to people, steering them away from righteousness.


You said:

Surah Ta-Ha (20:120): "But Satan whispered to him. He said, 'O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate?'" ...... What is the meaning of Satan whispered

ChatGPT said:


In Surah Ta-Ha (20:120), the phrase "But Satan whispered to him" refers to Satan's subtle and deceptive way of influencing Adam (peace be upon him) by instilling thoughts and desires in his mind. In the context of the verse, Satan uses a persuasive and manipulative method to lead Adam toward disobedience.

Meaning of "whispered":

  • Whispering here symbolizes Satan’s insidious and quiet influence. Satan does not force or openly command; rather, he plants ideas, doubts, or temptations in the hearts and minds of humans in a way that seems appealing or reasonable. It is done subtly, without confrontation, so that the individual begins to entertain those thoughts and may act on them.

  • In this verse, Satan whispers to Adam, suggesting that the forbidden tree will lead to immortality and power (the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate). By presenting the tree as something beneficial and desirable, Satan attempts to distort God’s command and make the forbidden seem attractive.

Implications of the Whisper:

  • Deception: Satan used false promises (eternal life and unending possession) to manipulate Adam, even though God had clearly instructed Adam and Eve to stay away from the tree.

  • Temptation: The idea of immortality and endless power is presented in a way that plays on human desires, making the act of disobedience seem justifiable or even beneficial.

In essence, "Satan whispered" means that Satan used subtle manipulation to influence Adam, sowing seeds of temptation and doubt that eventually led to the disobedience of eating from the forbidden tree. This reflects how Satan operates by appealing to human weaknesses and desires.


You said:

Does Satan directly send messages to our mind or brain?

ChatGPT said:


In Islamic teachings, Satan (Shaytan) does not directly send messages to the mind or brain in the way that humans communicate. Instead, he whispers (waswasa), subtly influencing thoughts and desires. This whispering is more of a spiritual influence that affects a person’s inner thoughts, rather than direct communication. Here’s a breakdown of this concept:

1. Subtle Suggestion (Waswasa):

  • Satan’s influence is often described as subtle "whispering" into the heart or mind, which encourages negative thoughts, temptations, and desires. This doesn’t involve an audible voice or visible signs but occurs as a nudge or inclination towards wrongdoing.

  • Surah An-Naas (114:4-5): "From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws, who whispers in the hearts of mankind." This verse shows that Satan’s method is to quietly influence people, often withdrawing once the thought has been planted.

2. Indirect Influence:

  • Satan cannot force people to act upon his whispers. He can only tempt or suggest. Humans have free will and can choose to accept or reject these temptations.

  • Surah Ibrahim (14:22) quotes Satan as saying on the Day of Judgment: "I had no authority over you except that I invited you, and you responded to me." This means that Satan can only suggest; it’s up to humans whether or not to follow.

3. Influence on Desires and Weaknesses:

  • Satan’s whispers often target human desires, weaknesses, and doubts. He might amplify feelings of greed, anger, pride, or lust, nudging people toward actions that conflict with God’s guidance.

  • Surah Al-Baqarah (2:268): "Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while


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