The Good Attitude AND The Bad Attitude For Depression What are the sources of your depression? Not having money? Failures? Spouse? Parents? Children? Job? Friends? Death in the family? Lost love? Social Media? Other? Answer: NONE OF THE ABOVE * The other people should NOT be the reason for your Happiness and Sadness. * Some of our OWN behavior and our own attitude and our own beliefs about life can make us DEPRESSED. * Some of our OWN behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs about life can make us HAPPY. * We suffered MORE from our OWN imagination than in reality. How can you survive in this harsh world or harsh reality? * We are not living in Disney World but a very harsh/ cruel world, so we NEED to LEARN how to be mentally STRONG ourselves. * ACCEPT the reality that we are all going to get sick and die, EVEN our loved ones, and we are all going to lose money and our health. * IF we accept the truth about life, our lives will become less SAD or depressed. * IF we deny the reality ...
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