Human Are Viceroys of The Earth ( Controller of the earth )
6:165 He it is Who has placed you as viceroys ( dominion species or controller ) of the earth and has exalted
some of you in rank above others, that He may try you by (the test of)
that which He has given you. Lo! Your Lord is swift in punishmen, and
Lo! He verily is Forgiving, Merciful.''
said, “Only Jews and Christians will enter Heaven.” That is their
wishful thinking. Say, “Present your proof if you are telling the
truth.” (02:111)
Rather, whoever turns his face in submission towards
God while acting generously have their reward from their Lord, and will
neither fear nor grieve. (02:112)
Quran 4:123
It will not be in accordance with your desires --> (Muslims),
''nor'' those of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians),
whosoever works evil, will have the recompense thereof, and he will not
find any protector or helper besides God.''
God spread earth like carpet
what that mean?
early earth was very very rocky place and unlivable place for human and animal so God turned rocky earth spread like carpet
Christian and Jew believe there is only one God so they worship only one God without association with that God.
What was the religion of Adam and Eve? It was submission to their Creator.
The most important thing a person can do is to submit his or her whole self --mind, body, and soul-- to the One God, the Creator, and then trust God to lead him or her on the spiritual journey. This, I believe, is imperative to salvation.
Quran 8:65
'' O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you >>twenty<<
[who are] steadfast, they will overcome >>two hundred<<. And if there are
among you >>one hundred<< [who are] steadfast, they will overcome >>a thousand<<
of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not
Quran 8:66
'' >Now<, Allah has lightened [the hardship] for you, and He >knows< that among
you is >weakness<. So if there are from you >>one hundred<< [who are]
steadfast, they will overcome >>two hundred<< And if there are among you >>a
thousand<< they will overcome >>two thousand<< by permission of Allah. And
Allah is with the steadfast.''
In the ritual Islamic prayer, we begin standing up to symbolize the uprightness of the human spirit. Next, we bow as we acknowledge our tendency to fail and how we need God's help. We raise up again to symbolize how God helps us recover from our failures. Next, we prostrate in submission to the God who guides and helps us in our spiritual struggles.
In Islam, we Muslims pray with our bodies as well as with our minds and spirits. It symbolizes how we each submit the whole self --mind, body, and soul-- to our Creator.
Which Is The Best Religion Of Allah ?
Quran 30:30
'' O (Muhammad), be devoted to the upright >>religion<< It is harmonious with
the >nature< which God has >>designed for people<< The design of God cannot
be altered. Thus is the >>upright religion<< but many people do not know.
The Qur'an urges Muslims to build an egalitarian society.
The Quran urges people to share their wealth and income with their poor and disadvantaged fellow
beings (2:177; 76:8-9; 92:20-21; 107:1-7; etc.).
The Quran states there is no piety without giving (92:18; 9:103; 3:92; 107:1.
Giving is not only sharing your personal wealth but more importantly, it is for the community to build together a health care system that will enable each to have access to a physician when needed.
It is to make sure that seniors, widows, and orphans, as well as the poor, have food and shelter.
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