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How To Study And Understand The Quran ? ..................done.....................

 16:98 When thou dost read the Qur'an, seek Allah's protection from Satan the rejected one.

How To Study And Understand The Quran ?
> Unfortunately <
We are only taught how to '' recite '' the Quran without the >> Understanding of the Quran << and we rely fully on other people's interpretation rather than understand Allah's guidance directly. 
The Quran is like a book of ( Ayah's Jigsaw Puzzles Pieces ) that you need to find how one piece of Ayah's puzzle relates to the other piece of Ayah and connect them together to understand the full meaning of all other related Ayahs. 
Use the Quran as Ayah's of Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces and put them together.
Before you come to any conclusion about a single Ayah's understanding or its meaning you MUST look for other Ayahs relates to the > Same Subject < and then you will find the perfect meaning of that Ayah. 
Note: Do not take the meaning of > single Ayah < in isolation. 

One Ayah or Verse can have two meaning
The Qur'an is a book of God's introduction of Himself to humanity and His guidance, His solutions, His laws, His warning, His rewards, His Ayahs, His Do's and Dont's and its contains Science, Stories and Human history its require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning.
There are many Ayahs that has hidden meaning. You need to > PONDER < upon it.
God sent the Quran to All of humanity >> to Read it, to Understand it, to Obey it << '' NOT '' just for scholars of the '' PAST '' and present to study the Quran.
And the scholars of the '' PAST '' and present can be > wrong < in there interpretation of the Quran and Islam.
Does Allah want you to study the Quran yourself or He wants you to learn the Quran from scholars of the '' PAST '' ?
The Quran is NOT a > Magical Book < to ''gain rewards'' by reading it > Mindlessly < but the Quran is God's commandments for you to obey so you avoid hellfire.

The Quran was revealed to guide us along the straight path, towards our Creator. It is wisdom, it is a guide, it is a code of conduct, it is the criteria for right and wrong.
Allah sent the Quran for ''YOU'' to ''study'' NOT just for scholars and educated people.
The Quran is a > God's Personal Letter < for ''YOU'' to read it, to understand it and to obey it so ''YOU'' avoid > Hellfire <.

So read the Quran in the language you understand the BEST. 

Becoming Hafiz / Reciter of the Quran is '' Meaningless '' if you do NOT understand the Message of Quran  /  Letter of  Allah.
*...The Quran should be read very very very slowly not to '' Rush '' but to > ponder < upon it.
Quran  20:114
'' So high [above all] is Allah , the Sovereign, the Truth. And, [O Muhammad], do not >> hasten << with [recitation of] the Qur'an before its revelation is completed to you, and say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge." 
*...The Quran is the criterion for right and wrong to know the truth and the falsehood

Quran 25:1
'' Blessed is He Who has revealed ( Quran ) unto His slave the Criterion (of right and wrong), that he may be a warner to the peoples.''
 *...The Quran is sent as a book of > guidance < to your life and mercy to humanity.
Quran 7:52
'' And We had certainly brought them a Book ( Quran ) which We detailed by knowledge > as guidance < and mercy to a people who believe.''
*...The Quran is sent to warn evil doer and good news for doer of good 
Quran  11:2
'' (It teaches) ( Quran ) that you should worship none but Allah. (Say): "Verily I am (sent) unto you from Him to > warn < and to bring > good news < ''
*...The Quran is the '' BEST '' Tafseer of itself
Quran 25:33

And they do not come to you with an argument except that We bring you the truth and the best explanation (Tafseer)''

*...The Quran contain no contradictions

Quran 4:82
'' Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction.''
*...The Quran is to guides you with clear evidence

Quran 22:16
'' And thus have We sent the Qur'an down as verses of > clear evidence < and because Allah guides whom He intends.''
 *...The Quran message is the same as previous books
Quran 23:68 
'' Do they not > ponder < over the Word (of Allah), or Was it different from what was revealed to your  > forefathers? < ''
*...The Quran should be read to > understand < and '' obey '' Allah's commands
Quran 38:29 
'' (This is) a Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may > ponder over its Verses < and that men of understanding may > remember.<''
 *...The Quran should be guide book for your life
 Quran 47:24
'' Then do they not > reflect upon < the Qur'an, or are there locks upon [their] hearts? ''
*...The Quran is > easy to understand < if you pay ''attention''
Quran 54:17
'' We have made the Quran > easy to understand < but is there anyone who would pay > attention < ? ''
*...The Quran no human can alter its purity

Quran 56:77-79
'' Indeed, it is a noble Qur'an, Which none can touch but the purified '' 
  *...Allah promised Only preservation of the Quran
 And Allah did ''NOT'' promised preservation of the Prophet's Sunnah / > Sahih < Hadiths so be >Cautious< before you accepting a Hadith as truth........ I believe in Hadiths
Quran 15:9 
'' Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its > guardian < '' 

Sadly Muslims do not ''study'' the Quran but only > recite with tajweed < like a parrot do > without understanding <. 

Muslim ''recite'' the Quran and ''studies'' the Hadith

Muslim you ''recite'' God's words and YOU  ''studies'' man's words?

Whats wrong with you Muslim?
Remember: all the Islamic scholars, Sheikhs, Muftis, Mullahs, Imams, Quran's teachers  they all study the Hadiths, Seerah, Sharia, Tafseer, Fiqh but NOT the Quran.
Allah wants you to '' understand '' the Quran And > obey < His commands so you avoid hellfire.  

Quran 25:30
" Then the Messenger ( Muhammad  ) will say: "O my Lord! Truly my people ( Muslims )  took this Qur'an for just > foolish nonsense < "
The Sahabahs / First three generations of Muslims / Ahlul Bayt  Did '' NOT '' understood '' science '' in the Quran.
Quran 41:53
We > will soon < ( In Future ) show them ''Our signs'' in the ''Universe'' and in their ''own souls'' ( human anatomy ) until it will become quite ''clear'' to them that it is the ''truth'' Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?
Did the scholars of the ''PAST'' understood the ''whole'' Quran? NO

Remember: Muslims inherited Islam from our ancestors in corrupted form as Christian's inherited message of Jesus in corrupted form. 

Ask ''your'' Sheikh / Mufti / Imam / Quran's teacher that did he > studied < the > whole < Quran ''ever'' ?  

* The Quran is a book of guides which show you how to > qualified < to enter Paradise.
* '' YOUR " birth in the Muslim's family is NOT a  > qualification < for to enter the Paradise.
* '' YOUR " religion / sect / foot long beard is NOT a  > qualification < for to enter the Paradise.
* Memorizing the ''whole'' Quran is '' NOT '' a  > qualification < for to enter Paradise.

* You '' MUST '' know how to become > qualified < for to enter Paradise.
* Obeying the Quran makes you > qualified < for to enter Paradise.

* The Quran is a book of  > Mercy < from the God which ''guides'' you that how should you >Behave< toward other human beings / animals.
* On the day of judgement God will ''NOT'' judge humanity bases on Muslim VS non-Muslim but doer of goods VS doer of evils.

* On the day of judgement '' YOU '' will be standing ( alone ) in front of God and He '' alone '' will decide you fate Heaven or Hellfire. 

Quran 18:110
'' Say: (O Muhammad ) "I am but a > man like yourselves < (but) the inspiration has come to me, that your Allah is one Allah: whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner.''
Quran 9:116
'' Indeed, to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; He gives life and causes death. And you have not > besides Allah < any protector or any helper.'' 
O Muslim who are " YOURS " intercessors / helpers beside Allah ?
Quran 10:18 
'' And they worship besides Allah things that hurt them not, nor profit them, and they say: "These are our intercessors with Allah......."
Quran 4:41
'' How (will it be) then, when We bring from each nation a witness and We bring you (O Muhammad SAW) as a witness against these people ( Muslims ? )  '' 

* The Prophet said to his daughter: O Fatima, I have nothing which can > help you against Allah < you may ask me what you want of my worldly belongings... >Sahih< Muslim 205.....I believe in Hadiths

* On the day of judgement God will show you a movie about all the things '' YOU '' used to do GOOD and BAD.

Quran 99:6-8

'' That Day, the people will depart separated [into categories] to be shown [the result of] their deeds. So whoever does an atom's weight of good > will see it < And whoever does an atom's weight of evil > will see it <''

 * The > qualification < to enter Paradise is > Faith in God and Good Work <. 

Quran  2:82

'' And those who > believe < ( In God ) and > do righteous deeds < those are the companions of Paradise; they will abide therein eternally.''
* "YOU" should work >MORE< on correcting > Your Bad Deeds < that lets you go to Hellfire >than< working on > Your Good Deeds < that lets you go to Heaven.
* Stopping your Bad deeds is > better < > than < You doing Good deeds.
* Allah said do not make sect in Islam, Muslim should end all sects from Islam. 
* Very soon you will die, everything you owned today you will leaves them behind. 

* One day you will meet your God and He ''alone'' will decide your fate either in Heaven or Hellfire.
* Achieving a place in Paradise should be > Your Purpose Of Life <. 

Reading the Quran for the sake of hasanat is good but not ideal. The true reward is to become connected to Allah SWT by understanding and then following His guidance.
Completing the recital of the Quran as quickly as one can is good but is also not ideal. Our recital should be one where we ponder over its meanings and for it to impact our heart and mind. Usually, speeding through the Quran does not lead to this ideal. 
May God guides you in your journey to Paradise.!!!


  1. Love it
    Truly inspired me to follow it.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful words . It was an I don't know how to say..inspiring, motivating and thought evoking...I have saved the message for reading it again and again..thank you."

  3. Soubhanallah so much wisdom and many muslims dont understand it like that. MAY Allah increase your knowledge brother.


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