The Problem Of Evil ( Human's Pain and Suffering )

Greek philosopher Epicurus > Quotes >
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
The Problem Of Evil ( Human's Pain and Suffering )
The atheists argument is that human's pain and suffering prove that God does not exist
My argument is human's pain and suffering makes human intelligence being
* God created human as a SELF learning creature, human is the ONLY creature who can learn about ANYTHING in the universe
* Just imagine we don't suffered any pain and hunger, sickness, earthquake, natural disaster, flood, famine, poverty, wars, death and God provided us safety and everything we need on this earth and without pain and suffering
Then would you go to school, college and university to learn about biology, chemistry, geography, physic, cosmology, computer science, science of medicine, aircraft engineering, mechanical engineering, ship engineering IF we don't benefits from learning them?
Human MAIN motivation go to school, college and university is to makes our lives better and less-stressful. human do not go to university just to GAIN knowledge but to EASE the pain of hard life and make it comfortable life.
The POSITIVE effect of human's pain and suffering
The reason behind every NEW invention is to EASE human suffering or to make more productive.
Human invented train, plane, car because to EASE pain of traveling to faraway places not for knowledge.
Human suffering is a GREAT motivation for another new invention to make our lives comfortable ie ease the pain.
How much did human suffered pain without the electricity? for thousands of years without the light, fan, air-condition. finally our suffering paid off we invented electricity.
God created human as a SELF learning creature, it is not a accident that ONLY human being is a SELF learning creature.
There are millions of different specie of creature ONLY the human can be scientist, doctor, engineer, chemist, musician, writer, historian, inventor, artist, craftsman..... coincident ? " You fool are LIAR ''
If human do not suffer from diseases/sickness would we learn about our own anatomy how does our body work?
Our pain and suffering makes us critical thinking creature and makes us to solved our own problem what ever we may faced.
Pain and suffering motivate human to do something about it and that made us learning creature.
If God take away ALL our pain and suffering and God provided us all our needs, human would behave like animals. Our suffering motivate us to THINK and use our brain to solved the problem of evil.
did not created pain and suffering but suffering is natural occurrence for
example God didn't created sickness but God created human WEAK who could
get sick.
If you fall from tall building and inflicted pain and suffering God did not pushed you from the tall building.......... its all natural.......... Do you want that God to stop you from falling from the tall building so you dont suffer pain?
The human use critical thinking ONLY to solved the problem of the EVIL ie pain and suffering.
Almost all the branches of science we study only to solved the problem of evil ie human's pain and suffering.
Do you want that God to stop hunger, sickness, earthquake, forest fire, natural disaster, flood, famine, poverty, wars, death, car accident?
If there was no evil existed in this world 98% human population would have been illiterate.
It is easy to get university degree ?
" No pain No gain ''
Would you prefer yourselves to be a SELF LEARNING creature or a HAPPY programed robot ?
God forced us to learn through pain and suffering and he wanted human to be self LEARNING unique creature on the earth. God does what ever he likes.
Allah said in the Quran
Quran 90:4
''We have created the human being to face a great deal of hardship.''
The Problem Of Evil ( Human's Pain and Suffering ) makes human learning creature.
If God take away all the problem of evil we human would behave like animals
The Quran 2:216 "........But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you, And perhaps
you love a thing and it is bad for you. Allah knows, while you know
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