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Who is a Muslim?

Who is a Muslim?

* Islam mean submission or surrendered to God

* Muslim mean one WHO surrendered or submitted to God

* EVERY thing in the universe is a MUSLIM the sun, the moon, the galaxy, the universe, the earth, the stars, the dust, the sky, the water, the plants, the animals, the birds, the insect, the human, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Atheists, Buddhists, Jinn, Satan, all Prophets and Muslims are MUSLIM
* SUN is a Muslim surrendered to God
* The sun will not die UNTIL God command to die
* A human will not die UNTIL God command to die
* EVERY ATOM in the universe is a Muslim ( that simply mean that God control or God have power over every atom )
* God's gave LIMITED free-will ONLY to human and the Jinn and God does (NOT) know how INDIVIDUAL human will use their free-will in the future ( good or bad deeds ) ( which INDIVIDUAL human will go to the heaven or hell )
* Below is a example of human's freewill NOT predestine
Quran 10:99
 " And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then would you compel the people in order that they become believers?!''

* EVERY knowledge that human have math, science, art, languages are given by God to human
* Human are like robot, God's programed our brain with 1000s of software and our software in our brain gave us ability to walk, talk, dance, write,read, see, smell, hear,feel pain, feel happy, feel sad, calculate, do math, love, INVENT, and with limited free will 
( human can NOT do anything that God's didn't INTENDED us to do ) we are robot with LIMITED free will
( God did not surprised when we invented iPhone or computer or walked on the moon )
  Please read my blog


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