16:98 When thou dost read the Qur'an, seek Allah's protection from Satan the rejected one. How To Study And Understand The Quran ? > Unfortunately < We are only taught how to '' recite '' the Quran without the >> Understanding of the Quran << and we rely fully on other people's interpretation rather than understand Allah's guidance directly. The Quran is like a book of ( Ayah's Jigsaw Puzzles Pieces ) that you need to find how one piece of Ayah's puzzle relates to the other piece of Ayah and connect them together to understand the full meaning of all other related Ayahs. Use the Quran as Ayah's of Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces and put them together. Before you come to any conclusion about a single Ayah's understanding or its meaning you MUST look for other Ayahs relates to the > Same Subject < and then you will find the perfect meaning of that Ayah. Note: Do not take the meaning of > si...